Monday, April 18, 2011


Hello, friends and colleagues.

I have recently started to learn about CBT - cognitive behavioral therapy - through work I'm involved in for a research and grant writing course in my Masters program. I didn't realize that as an educator, versus a therapist, I would be able to implement CBT into my own skill set. Yet I am discovering that this is indeed a possibility, and an exciting one for me. Through the use of CBT with students, I believe I can make a difference in the lives of these children and their families, which will be rewarding for them and also for me. Hopefully, this blog and the way it will grow will prove to be rewarding for you, too!

Here I will share:
  • what am I learning about CBT
  • ways CBT is being used with young children
  • questions I have for educators and parents as to how they think CBT might be modified for their population
  • experiences from using CBT
  • and anything else that seems relevant to this topic and my pursuits
I look forward to learning more about CBT and implementing it in creative and effective ways. I will keep you posted as to how this unfolds, and I hope that you will contribute with posts about your own thoughts and experiences.

In advance, thank you for your participation! I look forward to the journey.